Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One Starfish At A Time!

I'm always moved by the story of the guy who very early in the morning before the townspeople got to the beach to gather starfish for commercial killing would walk the beach and gather one starfish at a time and hurl it back into the ocean as far as he could throw! The weather didn't matter. He faithfully executed his "mission of mercy" day after day! No action is too small or inconsequential. It matters for the one! Each one doing their small part contributes to the good of the whole. (By the way, I threw this one back into the Atlantic Ocean!...with a firm commitment to a "yes!!!" for hope-filled living!) I read this little starfish story again today in a book called The Promise of Paradox - A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life by Parker Palmer.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I love this post. It's something a beleaguered mental health worker needs to hear from time to time.