Sunday, April 10, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog??

I can't decide. Do I want to write a blog? It's been several years since I created this one. Do people really have time to read these things? Do people want to read blogs? I really enjoy the window into the person's experience that a blog offers. Recently I've been delighted to read my daughter's blog and see the pictures she posts and the creative writing she offers. And, I LOVE reading the blogs of several of my nieces. It makes me feel close to them. So, I think I'll just write something today...and not put any expectations on myself.

Today's Christian Education hour at my church gave me a lot to ponder! I've been fact, it seems it could actually be a little consider what sort of community involvement I might be drawn to. Today, I could imagine myself becoming part of a "circle of support and accountability" for sexual offenders released from prison. I want to offer something that links to my commitment to "hope-filled" living...and if just one person is spared another prison sentence and comes to live life more abundantly...than, that is worth it. It's the "it matters to the one star fish thrown back into the ocean" idea. I especially like blogs with photos and I have no clue at this moment how to do my next blog might be an experiment with a photo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, blog. And thanks for making itpublic on FB. I also like the connection I find when I read someone's blog, but I also lean so much about myself when I write. Thanks for having the courage to share.